Bark Blowing and Mulch Services


Mulching is an effective form of weed control and it is one of the best treatments you can use to protect the health and beauty of your landscape. It involves placing a layer of material around the plants and over the soil in a flower bed or line of shrubs. These materials can be organic or inorganic.

Benefits of Mulching: Many people think that mulching is just a method for controlling weeds, but it actually carries many more benefits than just keeping weeds at bay. A few of the benefits of mulching include:

  • Prevents erosion in the soil
  • Minimizes compaction during the rainy season
  • Helps to keep an even temperature in the soil
  • A  form of water conservation as it conserves wetness
  • Increases the number of nutrients in the soil
  • Helps your landscape maintain an even and attractive appearance

Bark Blowing

Bark Blowing is a unique service of mulching to reach tough areas. Mulch is blown in by our highly-skilled operators and has a smooth, consistent finish unattainable by any other method of application, and unmatched by other . The overall beauty of your entire landscape will be enhanced by the velvety, manicured finish our operators apply to every project we do. When we’re finished, your landscape will look its absolute best!