Lawn Care and Maintenance

We offer commercial and residential lawn care services and maintenance contracts ranging from seasonal to year long. We provide the following services:

Lawn Cutting: Weekly and Bi-Weekly depending on the customers needs

Fertilization and Weed Control: Our experienced team will treat your lawn with fertilizer and crabgrass pre-emergent or spot weed treatments.

Lime Application: Maintains the acidity level in your soil with our lime application and keeps your lawn green all season long.

Grub and Surface Insect Prevention and Treatment: We prevent against damaging insects that cause spots and discoloration in your lawn and that require costly repairs.

Lawn Aeration: Best performed lightly in spring or in fall, lawn aeration is necessary to relieve soil compaction and to allow air to circulate around the grass roots and at the base of the leaf blades. Core aeration removes plugs of soil to relieve soil compaction, which allows oxygen, water and nutrients to ensure your lawns health.

Dethatching: This service removes the residue that is bad for your grass, as it keeps water and nutrients from seeping down to grass roots, which allows new grass to grow.

Lawn Renovation: Depending on lawn conditions, our experienced staff would recommend that your lawn be renovated by a variety of methods. Topdressing will spread a thin layer of organic material over your lawn area allowing new seed to germinate. Sliceseeding is another option that entails using a machine that inserts seeds directly into the soil to fill in an established lawn.  We may also recommend sod, hydro-seed, seeded and hayed lawn installation.

Ornamental Shrub Care: We fertilize your bushes and shrubs so they are healthy and free from disease. Seasonal trimming in Spring and Fall to maintain healthy and beautiful shrubs.